If you have either Direct TV, or Dish Network as your provider, Chiller TV now has the Anime Wednesday block. The network is premiering English Dubbed Anime from Funimation Entertainment.
Anime News Network and Chiller TV both published their articles about the schedule.
Anime News Network: U.S. TV Channel Chiller Runs Anime Block On Wednesdays
Out of Chiller TV's current Anime Wednesday block, I watched Black Blood Brothers, Devil May Cry, and Is This A Zombie? online years ago. However, Tokyo Majin was an Anime I never had the chance to watch, until recently.
Over the last 2 years on Xanga 1.0 and It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns, I mentioned that Adult Swim should have acquired Devil May Cry. It appears that Chiller TV beat Adult Swim to the punch. The network's Anime Wednesday block appears to be a hot topic on Adult Swim.
Some Adult Swim posters are currently insulting Chiller TV's block. Their criticism is somewhat necessary. I have to agree with some posters.
Because Devil May Cry is the most popular Anime out of the 4, it SHOULD be the opening Anime Wednesday series. At the same time, I'm somewhat annoyed with them complaining about Black Blood Brothers and Is This A Zombie? being aired.
Granted, Is This A Zombie? is more of a Supernatural Comedy, but at least Chiller TV is trying to expose Horror fans to other Anime genres and sub-genres.
Most people lack knowledge about Anime. There is much more to Japanese animation than Shonen Jump Action Anime. Everybody doesn't know about Anime except for most casual Cartoon Network and Adult Swim viewers from over the last 10-20 years. However, Anime Otakus know more than casual viewers hands down.
Anime existed before, during, and after Cartoon Network, Toonami, and Adult Swim were launched. Younger Gen Xers and older Millennials were watching Anime long before the existence of most of today's cable and satellite networks.
I cannot help feeling annoyed, whenever I have to deal with Anime fans, who consider Cartoon Network's Toonami and Adult Swim to be their so-called "Gateway To Anime."
Younger Millennial and Gen Z viewers act as if Cartoon Network and Adult Swim are their Bibles and believe they know everything about Japanese animation.
Yes, the Toonami block on Cartoon Network helped "pave the way" for most American Anime viewers years ago. At the same time, those same viewers were only exposed to Action Anime. There is more to Anime than Action yet Action Anime is supposedly what sells better to the male American Anime demographics.
Within the last decade, younger Anime fans had and still have access to more Anime genres and sub-genres streaming online than us older Anime fans ever had growing up.
During the '80s and '90s, us 30 and 40-something-year-olds rented and bought Anime from local video stores like Blockbuster Video. Otherwise, we shopped at Japanese stores that sold imported products or got bootleg versions of Anime.
I hate sounding like an old lady, but today's younger generations have it made.
Since today's blog is mostly about Chiller TV's Anime Wednesday block and because everyone does NOT have Chiller TV, it is only fair to share at least 1 of its shows. Here is Tokyo Majin for today's Cartoon Sunday.
Tokyo Majin Episode 1: "Moment Of The Demonic Encounter" English Dub (2007)
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