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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Cartoon Sunday: Foamy The Squirrel Rants About The Exploitation Of Geek Culture


How's it going lurkers? It's Cartoon Sunday and I have another Neurotically Yours short with Foamy The Squirrel. This week, it's his short rant about the Geek Sub-Culture being exploited as "trendy" these days.

Foamy manages to squeeze in rants about the exploitations of Goth and Emo Sub-Cultures. As usual, the squirrel's rants are spot on. A while ago, I remember saying something similar to family and friends. Those, who are abusing these sub-cultures, are nothing but posers.

Growing up, I was tormented for being labeled "The Weird Girl." Today, being nerdy, weird, emo, and/goth is mostly a fashion statement for annoying yuppie, trust fund, brats to be "cool" and "smart." Those of said ilk are called HIPSTERS today. That pisses me the fuck off!

It reminds me of my adolescence during the '90s, when some of those pretentious ass, jocks would listen to bands such as KoRn, Tool, and Slipknot. Those stupid jocks quoted their lyrics and played their songs on repeat yet failed to grasp that they WERE the same assholes the vocalists talked about in their lyrics.

Those jocks could barely empathize, much less grasp what each vocalist suffered, especially when it came to KoRn's Jonathan Davis. They had no idea what it was like to be a survivor of sexual abuse or to be branded as a "faggot" or a "freak" for their musical preferences or fashion sense like he did.

Those posers mostly listened to KoRn, Tool, Slipknot, etc. only for a good work-out or to get them "pumped" for their next meatheaded jock game. Maybe their bromantic circle jerking wasn't enough for them.

Before attending and co-hosting my high school class reunion 3 years ago, I noticed that some of those past delinquents from high school, NOW wear collared shirts under their preppie V-neck sweaters.

Let it be known that some of the jocks were new money, juvenile delinquent, trash. All the while, there were those who were simply juvenile delinquents and domestic terrorists. 

It would NOT surprise me if they happen to be some of today's rioters at protests for something. Then again, some of them today are self-righteous posers pretending to be sympathetic, upstanding citizens when they are nothing but a giant Cancer to society.

These were some of the same delinquents, that wore baggy jeans with band T-shirts. They also either currently listen to old, yuppie music, or today's shitty, American Top 40 "Hits."

Sure, you can argue, that they have "matured," however they really haven't matured that much within a decade. It's a huge facade to make themselves appear to be these pseudo-intellectuals, when all they do is knock up drunken whores, that they meet at some local dive bar or club. It's quite sickening.

Thereore, I empathize with Foamy about the Geek Sub-Culture being ruined by pretentious hipsters. Most posers of said ilk did not earn their stars and stripes to have the geek, goth, emo, and/weirdo labels branded to them.

Like I already said, I was always labeled as being weird, and have been wearing glasses, since I was 5 years old. Why? Because I have TERRIBLE VISION, not because I want to look "cool" or "smart."

Decades ago, people were bullied and ostracized for wearing glasses. Now, wearing glasses is fashionable because hipsters today think glasses will make them look "cooler" and "smarter." They either have intelligence, or they don't. It's that simple. Well, enough of my ranting. Now, it's time to listen to Foamy The Squirrel's rants.

Foamy The Squirrel: Geek Culture Rant (2013)


Let me know what you think!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Song Saturday: [x]-Rx's Electric Man

How's it going lurkers? I hope everybody enjoyed their Christmas or whatever holiday you choose to celebrate, if any. Despite my rib cage hurting out of nowhere because of my car accidents from August, my Christmas was pretty decent.

Meanwhile, I have been trying to decide what to share for Song Saturday. This week, I chose the German Industrial duo, [x]-Rx and their song "Electric Man."

The song is nearly 4 years old. However, I discovered it over a year or 2 ago on an Industrial compilation. The moment I heard the opening, I automatically began laughing because it has Family Guy's Peter and Meg Griffin from a scene on [x]-Rx's song, "Electric Man."

Family Guy: Peter Griffins' "I Am Electric Man!" (2007)

Hopefully, the duo was granted Seth MacFarlane's permission to use "Electric Man" in their song. If [x]-Rx didn't, they could possibly be looking at a future lawsuit. I'm not accusing the group, I'm only hypothetically speaking. Anyway, here is [x]-Rx with their song, "Electric Man"

[x]-Rx "Electric Man" Update 3.0 (2010)

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Anna H's Christmas Anime Blog Special: Lucky Star

How's it going lurkers? I hope you're all safe, warm, and finished with all your Christmas shopping. 

Originally, I planned to share American Dad's "The Story Of Minstrel Krampus". "Minstrel Krampus," which aired on TV ~2 weeks ago, explained some of the history behind Krampus in satirical form. 

Apparently, FOX deleted the episode from YouTube and only kept the clips. Then, I YouTubed episode 37 from the Shonen Jump Comedy Anime, Gintama. From Season 1 of Gintama, there was a Christmas episode titled, "People Who Say That Santa Doesn't Really Exist Actually Want To Believe In Him." This particular Christmas episode was ALSO removed.

Speaking of Santa Claus, I find it incredibly irksome hearing people say, "There's no such thing as Santa Claus." If more people actually cared to conduct their own research, they would've learned that Santa Claus WAS a real person, centuries ago. 

The same applies to Krampus. Krampus was Santa Claus/Saint Nicholas' evil sidekick, who gave children lumps of coal for misbehaving. Sometimes Krampus threw them in his red sack, whisked them away to hell, and ate them.

Rather than taking on the role of Ebenezer Scrooge by ruining Christmas for EVERYBODY (mainly for children), adults should really tell children, that Santa Claus was a real person centuries ago. We as adults SHOULD carry on Santa Claus' jolly tradition for CHILDREN. 

Also, adults (you know who they are) need to STOP being so damn miserable and NOT project that same misery onto everyone around them, including children.

I always felt it was so mean-spirited and ignorant for people to say, "There's no such thing as Santa Claus" and to taunt children for believing in him. They must be some of the same skeptics, who don't believe in ghosts, or that we actually landed on the moon.

Well, since it is Christmas Eve and because I had no such luck in sharing American Dad or Gintama, I decided to share Lucky Star's 11th episode, "Various Ways To Spend Christmas Eve." 

Lucky Star is a Shonen Slice of Life Comedy Anime and is mostly considered a "Slice Of Life" Anime because of its comedic depiction of daily life in Japan. Imagine Seinfeld in the form of a Japanese cartoon about high school girls.

Lucky Star includes the holiday seasons surrounding the characters Konata Izumi, Miyuki Takara, and the fraternal twins, Kagami and Tsukasa Hiiragi. In Japan, it seems as if their Christmas Day celebrations are similar to Americans celebrating Valentine's Day. I say this because the Native Japanese seem to emphasize their need to have dates on Christmas.

I am NOT saying that people in other countries do not do this for Christmas. However, it seems as if having a date is a requirement in today's Japanese culture for the holiday.

Luckily in Lucky Star, there is not a huge emphasis on having a date for Christmas. Although, they do bring up the topic frequently. 

Anyway, I will let you sit back and watch Lucky Star's episode 11, "Various Ways To Spend Christmas Eve."

Lucky Star: Episode 11 "Various Ways To Spend Christmas Eve" (2006)

Here's a Gintama bonus clip for laughs.



Saturday, December 21, 2013

Song Saturday: London After Midnight's The Christmas Song


How's it going lurkers? I swear, this month has been crazy for me. I am sure it has been just as crazy for many others as well. Now that it's December, there are several holidays throughout this month.

Hanukkah ended for Jewish people on December 5th. Then, December 6th was Saint Nicholas Day. 

Happy Belated Hanukkah and Saint Nicholas Day to those of you, who celebrate both holidays!

Today is Winter Solstice also known as Yule for the Pagans. Happy Yule or Winter Solstice for Pagans!

In 4 more days, it will be Christmas for the rest of us, who celebrate it. If I don't publish more blogs before Christmas, Merry Christmas to everyone else! 

Speaking of Christmas, I thought I would continue to maintain the "Christmas Spirit" by sharing another Song Saturday. 

Right now, Blogsterians are publishing their own Song Saturday blogs. I was going to share London After Midnight's "The Christmas Song" over there, but it seems pointless.

As opposed to the Baby Boomers on Blogster, younger adults from Generations X and Y will at least acknowledge AND appreciate my content. I am currently active on several different social networking and blogging sites with younger adults.

Yesterday, I joined another social networking site called Horror-Punks.com. Horror-Punks.com seems like a Horror/Goth version of MySpace. I feel that I can assimilate better on Writer's Cafe and Horror-Punks than on Blogster.

Blogster has too many divisive Baby Boomers fighting over politics and religion. They fail to grasp that everyone doesn't share their views, care to be chastised, and don't care for their self-righteousness.

Anyway, here is London After Midnight's "The Christmas Song" for today's Song Saturday.

London After Midnight "The Christmas Song" Oddities (1998)



Sunday, December 15, 2013

Cartoon Sunday: The Boondocks

This blog was the debut of my Cartoon Sunday blogs on Blogster December 15, 2013.

How's it going lurkers? Normally on Blogster, there is Song Saturday and Art Sunday. Since animation is a part of art, I have decided to launch my own Cartoon Sunday blogs. 

Today, I chose to share a Christmas episode of the Adult Swim cartoon, The Boondocks. 

In case you have never heard of The Boondocks, it is an Animated Sitcom created by Aaron McGruder, which is based on his black comic strip, The Boondocks. 

This cartoon is filled with political satire and focuses on a variety of cultures, lifestyles, and racial and social classes, stereotypes, and perspectives within the Black Community. When you really think about it, The Boondocks is not only political, but also sociological. 

In addition, this Animated Sitcom has action, controversy, drama, and dark humor. Next month, it will be returning to Adult Swim with its 4th season. 

Because we are going into our last week before Christmas, I thought I would share the episode, "A Huey Freeman Christmas."

This is the 7th episode from its original season. Be prepared to be shocked and fall out your seats from laughter.

The Boondocks Season 1: Episode 7 "A Huey Freeman Christmas" (2005)

Let me know what you think!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Song Saturday: Morgan Ames' Santa's Watching

How's it going lurkers? Can you believe that we only have 1 more week, until Christmas? 

I have been snow shoveling, taking it easy, and brainstorming more ideas for my story, All Of Chastity's Men. 

Eventually, I will return to writing it. I have been somewhat naughty by procrastinating about writing more to my story. I have also been procrastinating about watching some Christmas Slasher films.

I am amazed that all the cable/satellite channels have been airing Christmas Chick flicks and regular Horror YET  they refuse to air any Christmas Slashers. I'm willing to bet the networks refuse to air any Christmas Slashers because they fear another backlash, that happened in 1984.

In case you did not already know, 1984 was a very controversial year in entertainment. I was only 2 years old in 1984, when "Parental Advisory" stickers were to be branded onto EXPLICIT albums and the PG-13 rating was launched.

The Christmas Slasher, Silent Night, Deadly Night, was released in movie theaters, that same year. Silent Night, Deadly Night's filmmaker received huge backlash.

Supposedly, a few careless parents took their children to watch a Christmas Slasher. This happened in my old hometown, Milwaukee, WI.

Last year, I discussed said incident with family. My mother claimed she would change the channel, whenever the commercial aired. Otherwise, I would scream. I watched the original 1984 movie trailer on YouTube.

Being a Horror author and fan, the music score and commercial voiceover automatically send chills down my spine. Then again, Horror movie trailers especially those for Slashers USED to actually be frightening, unlike TODAY'S trailers. 

Parents couldn't help noticing nearly 30 years ago, that a man dressed as Santa Claus was carrying an AXE and KILLING PEOPLE.

When I went onto Wikipedia last year, I discovered there is ACTUALLY  a Christmas Slasher Genre. There are Christmas Slashers predating back to 1972. That was 10 years before I was born. During the early 1970's, my family lived overseas (I was born into a family of military brats).

Christmas Slashers before 1984 received no backlash whatsoever. Because some parents in Milwaukee were SO careless and unobservant of the Silent Night, Deadly Night trailer, they took their children to watch a SERIAL KILLER dressed as Santa Claus only and traumatized them.

Siskel and Ebert, along with those careless parents berated the filmmaker for their own irresponsibilities. Talk about ridiculousness.

This makes some of us adults wonder how many parents took their children to watch last year's Silent Night remake, which was released in select movies theaters.

Last year, I watched the 2012 trailer for the movie. Even though the Santa Claus mask is frightening, I highly doubt the Silent Night remake is better than the original.

Most Horror reboots and remakes typically suck. Hopefully, I will have a chance to watch some of the other Christmas Slashers.

Because I am very curious to know how disturbing they are compared to their trailers, I want to watch those Christmas Slashers.

Since the Silent Night, Deadly Night movie from 1984 was heavily discussed in today's Song Saturday blog, I thought I would share its supposed theme song by Morgan Ames. 

Morgan Ames "Santa's Watching" Silent Night, Deadly Night Soundtrack (1984)


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