How's it going lurkers? It's Cartoon Sunday and I have another Neurotically Yours short with Foamy The Squirrel. This week, it's his short rant about the Geek Sub-Culture being exploited as "trendy" these days.
Foamy manages to squeeze in rants about the exploitations of Goth and Emo Sub-Cultures. As usual, the squirrel's rants are spot on. A while ago, I remember saying something similar to family and friends. Those, who are abusing these sub-cultures, are nothing but posers.
Growing up, I was tormented for being labeled "The Weird Girl." Today, being nerdy, weird, emo, and/goth is mostly a fashion statement for annoying yuppie, trust fund, brats to be "cool" and "smart." Those of said ilk are called HIPSTERS today. That pisses me the fuck off!
It reminds me of my adolescence during the '90s, when some of those pretentious ass, jocks would listen to bands such as KoRn, Tool, and Slipknot. Those stupid jocks quoted their lyrics and played their songs on repeat yet failed to grasp that they WERE the same assholes the vocalists talked about in their lyrics.
Those jocks could barely empathize, much less grasp what each vocalist suffered, especially when it came to KoRn's Jonathan Davis. They had no idea what it was like to be a survivor of sexual abuse or to be branded as a "faggot" or a "freak" for their musical preferences or fashion sense like he did.
Those posers mostly listened to KoRn, Tool, Slipknot, etc. only for a good work-out or to get them "pumped" for their next meatheaded jock game. Maybe their bromantic circle jerking wasn't enough for them.
Before attending and co-hosting my high school class reunion 3 years ago, I noticed that some of those past delinquents from high school, NOW wear collared shirts under their preppie V-neck sweaters.
Let it be known that some of the jocks were new money, juvenile delinquent, trash. All the while, there were those who were simply juvenile delinquents and domestic terrorists.
It would NOT surprise me if they happen to be some of today's rioters at protests for something. Then again, some of them today are self-righteous posers pretending to be sympathetic, upstanding citizens when they are nothing but a giant Cancer to society.
These were some of the same delinquents, that wore baggy jeans with band T-shirts. They also either currently listen to old, yuppie music, or today's shitty, American Top 40 "Hits."
Sure, you can argue, that they have "matured," however they really haven't matured that much within a decade. It's a huge facade to make themselves appear to be these pseudo-intellectuals, when all they do is knock up drunken whores, that they meet at some local dive bar or club. It's quite sickening.
Thereore, I empathize with Foamy about the Geek Sub-Culture being ruined by pretentious hipsters. Most posers of said ilk did not earn their stars and stripes to have the geek, goth, emo, and/weirdo labels branded to them.
Like I already said, I was always labeled as being weird, and have been wearing glasses, since I was 5 years old. Why? Because I have TERRIBLE VISION, not because I want to look "cool" or "smart."
Decades ago, people were bullied and ostracized for wearing glasses. Now, wearing glasses is fashionable because hipsters today think glasses will make them look "cooler" and "smarter." They either have intelligence, or they don't. It's that simple. Well, enough of my ranting. Now, it's time to listen to Foamy The Squirrel's rants.
Foamy The Squirrel: Geek Culture Rant (2013)
Let me know what you think!