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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Pre-Teen Sociopaths Stab Friend, Then Blame Slender Man For It

How's it going lurkers? What I'm about to tell you will either anger, or frighten you and/or will possibly make you a skeptic.

On Saturday, I had a disturbing dream. It was like a flashback to 1994, when I was ONLY  12 years old living in our previous house in Wauwatosa, WI. 

In bed, I felt someone STABBING me with the sound of a young girl screaming as if she was being MURDERED. Blood splattered across the ceiling. 

Feeling all the impact of the stabbing and hearing the girl's scream, I woke up.

On Monday, I turned on my TV. There was "late-breaking news" about two 12-year-old girls from Waukesha, WI, who brutally stabbed their so-called "friend" 19 TIMES!!!

Our local news reporters considered the details "too graphic" for TV.

Hearing the appalling news report made my heart sink from shock. It was TOO similar to the dream I had on Saturday. Online, I read more about the grisly stabbing.

FOX 6 Now: Two girls accused of plotting to kill friend, victim stabbed 19 times

Could the grisly details be an EERIE coincidence or a premonition in the form of a disturbing dream?

I could've had another premonition in the form of a horrific dream. Before any patronizing skeptics ask, "Do you REALLY believe in premonitions?"  The answer is YES.

I could sit here behind my laptop and explain every premonition, death warning, and near death experience, that I've had as well as explain other people's experiences, but I won't.

Besides, I know those, who don't believe in ANYTHING (whether it be a higher power OR documented facts with research to support my claims), would rather deny, minimize the truth, and patronize me with their insults.

Our reporters here in WI reported, that those evil 12-year-olds frequented the website, CREEPYPASTA.COM, since last December.

It's so typical, that the media and brainwashed ignorami for adults are quick to demonize a HORROR website.

You may consider this an eerie coincidence with what I am about to tell you. Last December, I ALSO visited Creepypasta out of curiosity, since I am a Horror author. Because I simply loathe copycats and Fan Fiction, I never joined that site.

According to Wikia:

"Creepypastas are essentially internet horror stories, passed around on forums and other sites to disturb and frighten readers. The name "Creepypasta' comes from the word 'copypasta,' an internet slang term for a block of text that gets copied and pasted over and over again from website to website. Creepypastas are sometimes supplemented with pictures, audio and/or video footage related to the story, typically with gory, distorted, or otherwise shocking content."

You can read more about Creepypasta at Creepypasta Wiki: What Is Creepypasta?

In a nutshell, Creepypasta is a Fictitious Horror Site in which Horror fans ages 18 AND OLDER submit their "work." Therefore, no one under the age of 18 should be visiting the site.

Those 12-year-old sociopaths are using an Internet Horror Urban Legend about "Slender Man" as their scapegoat for stabbing their "friend" 19 times. Isn't that typical? 

If you want to learn more about Slender Man, watch the following vlog:

More About Slender Man: (2013)

During high school 15 years ago, I predicted that girls would be next to commit school shootings, stabbings, massacres, etc. Then, use entertainment as their scapegoats.

As those sociopathic killers in training use entertainment as a scapegoat for trying to murder their "friend," they make people's lives harder. This especially applies to us as entertainers.

Killers do NOT care about the fact, that they are ruining people's lives, including their own. They ESPECIALLY do not care about ruining entertainment.

Entertainers suffer from the guilt of other people's deaths accompanied by lawsuits and smear campaigns.

While sane people share the same hobbies as said sociopaths and those suffering from other mental illnesses and/or behavioral problems, we are all condemned, demonized, and ostracized for our hobbies.

Whenever a shooting, bombing, attempted murder, or some other kind of atrocity and tragedy happens, entertainment and entertainers are instantly to blame.

Horror used to be a niche genre. Decades ago, Anti-Horror fans always condemned and demonized the genre and its fanbase. This can especially be said for the Slasher Horror sub-genre and its fans.

The crimes in Slashers can actually happen in real life compared to crimes committed by Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies, and other creatures found in various folklores.

Media watchdog groups, self-righteous "political activists," as well as religious and "family friendly" zealots continue to demonize entertainment, including the Horror genre for the "extreme violence."

Throughout the 1980's and early '90s, the Slasher Horror sub-genre was repeatedly condemned and demonized.

Critics, media watchdog groups, Christian zealots, and miltant mommies demonizing the sub-genre caused filmmakers to automatically send their movies directly to video, which helped contribute to the overall Horror genre's decline.

It was not until Wes Craven's SCREAM in 1996, that the Slasher sub-genre was said to be "reborn."

In the 21st Century, Horror is more acceptable than it was 2-3 decades ago. When I was still in college, Hollywood began advertising PG-13 rated Horror.

If memory serves me right, some of them were remakes, which had their original ratings changed from an R to PG-13.

Parents/guardians, teachers/professors, local, national, and international news are sensational at condemning, demonizing, and framing entertainment, as the crime rate increases by the seconds.

Entertainment is condemned and demonized for every massacre, atrocity, and tragedy, regardless if said adults and children are sane or sociopathic killers.

Adults refuse to acknowledge their irresponsibilities in educating children by quickly accusing entertainment, as the media instigates more hysteria.

The more local, national, and international news heavily publicize massacres, the more copycat murderers and terrorists feel the need to upstage the previous mass killings.

Ignorami will condemn and demonize an entertainer for somebody choosing to jump off a bridge. Heaven forbid the village idiot chose to jump off a bridge and was of "sound mind!" Slandering an entertainer or entertainment in general sounds better!

Ugh! Talk about some Short Bus Riders.

Honestly, more entertainers should start fighting harder against careless parents, teachers, and divisive media outlets by slapping them with lawsuits for slander.

Why should entertainers and sane fans have to suffer the negative repercussions for sociopathic serial killers?

As a Horror/Crime Thriller author, I find the negativity bias to be I highly discouraging and infuriating. The current story, that I keep backburning, is a Horror Story.

Having to constantly hear and read slanderous remarks from haters of both genres sometimes discourages me as an author.

I don't want or need my name and reputation sullied over sociopaths blaming me for their choices to commit murder.

If parents/guardians and educators pay more attention to children with severe mental and/or behavior disorders, there would be less crime.

Nobody, including self-righteous politicians can bring up the topic of "gun control" because those serial killers in the making from Waukesha, WI used KNIVES instead. That's the only positive to this recent atrocity. 

However, I do somewhat give those 12-year-old girls credit. Rather than using the stereotypical guns or making bombs, they used a kitchen knife to stab their so-called "friend" 19 times. 

Sociopaths like those 2 girls are exactly why abortions and the death penalty exist.

Since they are mature enough to attempt murder on their "friend," they are old enough to be fried in electric chairs. Yes, you read that last sentence correctly.

Put those 12-year-old sociopaths in electric chairs!

I'm not stupid enough to believe in an online boogeyman as their scapegoat for stabbing their "friend" 19 times.

Do you agree with me? What are your thoughts? Let me know what you think!

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