Yesterday, I did quite a bit of web-surfing and YouTubing for Kanon Wakeshima's more recent music.
It was like an oral extraction trying to find songs from Kanon's latest album, Tsukinami.
I was amazed to see that there were not many official music videos or official songs streaming via YouTube for Tsukinami. In a way, I guess it's not too big of a deal.
When I was searching for Kanon Wakeshima's songs from her latest album, I felt disappointed. Most of the songs from her Tsukinami album I disliked. Tsukinami actually means "mediocrity" in Japanese. Naming her album, Mediocrity was an understatement.
Don't get me wrong. Kanon Wakeshima will always be a very talented singer/cellist. However, her latest songs sound like the stereotypical cutesy J-Pop Anime Music, which so cliche.
I was expecting for Kanon to say "nya," which is the noise cats make in Japanese rather than saying, "meow." It feels as if Kanon Wakeshima's music has been mutated into being overly commercialized J-Pop, that panders too much to Anime Otakus.
I miss the singer/cellist's Neoclassical Dark New Wave sound from her earlier albums. That's what attracted me to Kanon's music.
She was normally featured as a singer with her songs being used as the opening and ending theme songs to Anime and they were usually Horror Anime.
Hopefully Kanon Wakeshima will revert back to her darker sound, when she does her future albums. The cutesy, stereotypical, J-Pop Anime Music was NOT her original sound.
Although, the Anime Otakus, Weeaboos, and Westernized creeps with the submissive, "Asian Girl Fetish" demographics will lap up her latest music like it's candy. Not to sound like a closed-minded feminazi, but it's the truth.
I would love to hear more future songs by Kanon Wakeshima, which are similar to her songs from her debut album, Shinshoku Dolce.
As of right now, I did manage to somewhat like a
select few of Kanon's songs from her Tsukinami album. "Nightingale" is my favorite from that album.
Meanwhile, the other 3 songs that I chose for today's Song Saturday are songs I can tolerate from Tsukinami.
"Sakurameikyuu" was originally featured in the RPG video game based on the Shonen Action Romance Anime, Fate/Extra CCC in 2012.
Also, "Signal" was originally used as the ending theme song to the Supernatural Action Anime, Strike The Blood in 2014.
I tried my hardest to find official music videos for these songs by Kanon Wakeshima and only managed to find 1.
Like I already said, trying to find official songs and music videos from her Tsukinami album was the equivalent of performing an oral extraction. So, please bear with me for today's Song Saturday.
1) Kanon Wakeshima "Sakurameikyuu" Fate/Extra CCC (2012),Tsukinami (2015)