How's it going lurkers? I have been trying to decide what to share for the next 2 Cartoon Sunday blogs.
you like it if I shared more Animated Horror Shorts under 5 minutes long, OR
would you prefer to watch something 5 minutes or longer?
Let me know what you think in the comments section below.
from the next 2 Cartoon Sunday blogs, those of you, who have been
subscribed to yours truly for the last several years on Xanga,
Blogster, It's Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns, etc. have read my
complaints about Toonami, its fanbases, and fandoms.
Recently, I stumbled upon a blog by The Beacon explaining the differences between a fandom and a fanbase. I never really knew there was a difference.
I always thought fanbase and fandom were used interchangeably. Apparently, that's not the case. Welp, you learn something new everyday.
According to The Beacon, a fanbase is simply a group of like-minded people, who share the same interests and show their pride as fans. Meanwhile, a fandom is more like a gatekeeping group of zealots for fans.
In other words, EXTREMISTS that tend to alienate and can sometimes shun fellow fans if they don't share their views about certain characters, movies, shows, music, etc. with their EXTREME dedication, passion, and views.
Judging by the preceding explanation, fandoms might as well be considered loudmouth "activists" because they are extremely vocal about being an obnoxious fan. This can most definitely be said about some Toonami fans in general.
I CANNOT help reiterating how much of obnoxious brats Toonami fans can be.
Yes, I
know that every Toonami fan is NOT a crybaby. However, the crybabies
overshadow the fans, who genuinely enjoy other types of Action Anime as well as other genres and sub-genres.
Every time a
certain Action Anime fandom does not get their way about an Anime, they
will act like the BIGGEST toddlers on forums and social media sites.
Otherwise, they will maliciously mock other fanbases because they didn't get their
way about a series.
Some One Piece zealots are currently
throwing toddler tantrums because Adult Swim's Toonami block is airing
the Seinen Horror Action Anime, Tokyo Ghoul as One Piece's replacement.
One Piece fans DO have a right to be upset.
Since the time Toonami chose to premiere this
Shonen Jump Action Anime at episode 207 in 2013 rather than premiere it
at episode 1 like most normal shows, One
Piece fans got the shaft.
Premiering an Action Anime at episode 207 rather than the beginning only demonstrated, that
those running this revival of Toonami have no respect for One Piece
fans. Therefore, I can understand their anger and feel they are justified in feeling angry at both Adult Swim and The Toonami Teams.
Toonami did a TERRIBLE job of handling their programming, One
Piece fans, and de-escalating their toddler tantrums.
Even though I can sympathize and
empathize with One Piece fans, it does NOT give their fandom the right to maliciously mock other fanbases.
Currently, there are
some EXTREMELY bitter fans within the One Piece fandom maliciously mocking us Tokyo Ghoul
fans, while crying in their Monkey D. Luffy boxer shorts over Toonami
replacing One Piece with Tokyo Ghoul.
Some are
purposely alleging that Tokyo Ghoul is a terrible Anime, that it
"glorifies cannibalism," it's intentionally "edgy" to panders to Emos and
Goths, that Toonami dislikes Tokyo Ghoul because they haven't created
newer promos for it, etc.
About a month or 2 ago,
those within the One Piece fandom on the current makeshift forum for Adult
Swim worked my last nerve so badly, I gave some of them a piece of my mind.
So, what did I tell those bitter incels within Toonami's One Piece fandom on the makeshift forum for Adult Swim?
1) They
are NOT the only viewers watching Adult Swim
2) Those running Toonami
are TRYING to attract different types of viewers by adding a Seinen
Horror Action Anime like Tokyo Ghoul, for example, to the block
3) They whine TOO MUCH about EVERY little thing
4) If they depend on a show's ratings to simply like a
show, they would NEVER enjoy anything
5) Their constant nitpicking repulses other viewers like yours truly from wanting to watch other Anime premiering on the Toonami block.
Was it NOT bad enough,
that Toonami zealots spent YEARS bawling their eyes out all over the
Internet about Cartoon Network canceling Toonami in 2008?
canceling Toonami ~9 years ago, Cartoon Network's programming went to
hell in a hand basket. It started premiering more boy-centric reality shows,
low-brow animation, and mostly vapid cartoons from Canada. The ONLY
Canadian cartoon I enjoyed watching was 6teen.
6teen premiered in its entirety on Cartoon Network, it could've been aired at an earlier time
on Adult Swim. Some of 6teen's episodes had nudity and other mature
content, which was meant for supposedly teenagers in Canada.
in the good old U.S. of A. helicopter parents would've been outraged by
some of 6teen's content because Cartoon Network is meant for children,
whereas Adult Swim is meant for adults.
Cartoon Network no longer wanted the Toonami block, they dumped it on Adult Swim.
Originally, Adult Swim was supposed to be airing more mature content
because all those children, who grew up watching Toonami, in the late
1990's and early 21st Century, are now ADULTS.
Toonami Team claimed they wanted to grow up its veteran viewers.
If they wanted
to supposedly grow up their veteran viewers so badly, why is Toonami premiering the most childish-looking and cartoonishly generic Japanese animation on a
network, which was meant for adult viewers, mainly men? How much longer until a Kodomo Anime like Pokemon is premiering on Adult Swim?
is something I have recently noticed about the veteran Toonami fans.
They hate Anime meant for their own age group. That being Action Anime
meant for adults and Anime with more MATURE subject matters. This makes
me question how many ADULTS are actually watching this version of Adult Swim's Toonami
Judging from what I have observed over these
last 5 years, veteran Toonami fans are too fixated on their childhood
nostalgia and cartoon ratings. They depend on cartoon ratings (which CAN
be rigged like polls and awards for awards shows and voting).
In addition,
these zealots DEPEND on a patronizing CGI robot and his talking computer to get
excited about watching their favorite cartoons! This is something you
would expect from a damn 5-year-old, NOT someone who is in his/her 20's and
30's (Dare I even say 40's and older?)
When I was a
toddler watching the Mecha Anime, Robotech in the mid-80's, having a patronizing CGI robot with a talking
computer were highly unnecessary to get me excited about watching the series or any other type of animation Japanese or otherwise.
Listening to the
announcement that my favorite cartoons would be starting was satisfying enough!
though I enjoyed watching some of the Action Anime, that aired on Adult
Swim's Toonami block over these last 5 years, a number of us veteran
Adult Swim viewers are still disgusted with the fact, that Adult Swim
uprooted us to pander to crybaby man-children.
Swim mostly panders to Toonami sycophants that desperately cling to their childhood
nostalgia on Saturday nights and early Sunday mornings. All the while, zealots continuously cry about wanting to watch the most childish
programming on a network meant for adult animation.
Then, some
of the other Toonami zealots fear that Toonami is getting canceled again because of the crybabies within their own fandoms
constantly throwing tantrums over shows. They fail to realize that they
contributed to the cancellation of Chiller TV's Anime Wednesday block, 2
summers ago.
It was bad enough that Chiller TV put
almost NO effort in promoting their own Anime block this last time.
That's not including the fact that only people with Direct TV and Dish
Network, at the time were the only viewers with Chiller TV on our
Adult Swim's Toonami fans wasted so much
time nitpicking Is This A Zombie? which was only 1 out of 4 Anime premiering on Anime Wednesday, that Chiller TV canceled the block after only
3 weeks.
Most people today don't understand that we have the ability to make or BREAK entertainment, especially over the Internet.
give a better understanding about this fandom right now, there is a LOT of infighting among Toonami fans.
In fact, the fandoms within Toonami have just as much infighting, if not more than The Republican Party. It's
THAT bad.
If Toonami zealots including the One Piece zealots do NOT stop acting like
bitter, entitled, spoiled brats and get their acts together, they WILL be the
cause of Toonami getting canceled once again.
Then, they will only have themselves to blame for their precious block getting
re-canceled. This is if it DOES happen again with relentless cyberbullying, death threats, maliciously mocking other
fanbases, toddler tantrums, and their extreme obsession with
cartoon ratings.
With that being said, what are your thoughts about the current state of fandoms within Toonami, including the One Piece fandom?