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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Cartoon Sunday: Foamy The Squirrel Rants About The Exploitation Of Geek Culture


How's it going lurkers? It's Cartoon Sunday and I have another Neurotically Yours short with Foamy The Squirrel. This week, it's his short rant about the Geek Sub-Culture being exploited as "trendy" these days.

Foamy manages to squeeze in rants about the exploitations of Goth and Emo Sub-Cultures. As usual, the squirrel's rants are spot on. A while ago, I remember saying something similar to family and friends. Those, who are abusing these sub-cultures, are nothing but posers.

Growing up, I was tormented for being labeled "The Weird Girl." Today, being nerdy, weird, emo, and/goth is mostly a fashion statement for annoying yuppie, trust fund, brats to be "cool" and "smart." Those of said ilk are called HIPSTERS today. That pisses me the fuck off!

It reminds me of my adolescence during the '90s, when some of those pretentious ass, jocks would listen to bands such as KoRn, Tool, and Slipknot. Those stupid jocks quoted their lyrics and played their songs on repeat yet failed to grasp that they WERE the same assholes the vocalists talked about in their lyrics.

Those jocks could barely empathize, much less grasp what each vocalist suffered, especially when it came to KoRn's Jonathan Davis. They had no idea what it was like to be a survivor of sexual abuse or to be branded as a "faggot" or a "freak" for their musical preferences or fashion sense like he did.

Those posers mostly listened to KoRn, Tool, Slipknot, etc. only for a good work-out or to get them "pumped" for their next meatheaded jock game. Maybe their bromantic circle jerking wasn't enough for them.

Before attending and co-hosting my high school class reunion 3 years ago, I noticed that some of those past delinquents from high school, NOW wear collared shirts under their preppie V-neck sweaters.

Let it be known that some of the jocks were new money, juvenile delinquent, trash. All the while, there were those who were simply juvenile delinquents and domestic terrorists. 

It would NOT surprise me if they happen to be some of today's rioters at protests for something. Then again, some of them today are self-righteous posers pretending to be sympathetic, upstanding citizens when they are nothing but a giant Cancer to society.

These were some of the same delinquents, that wore baggy jeans with band T-shirts. They also either currently listen to old, yuppie music, or today's shitty, American Top 40 "Hits."

Sure, you can argue, that they have "matured," however they really haven't matured that much within a decade. It's a huge facade to make themselves appear to be these pseudo-intellectuals, when all they do is knock up drunken whores, that they meet at some local dive bar or club. It's quite sickening.

Thereore, I empathize with Foamy about the Geek Sub-Culture being ruined by pretentious hipsters. Most posers of said ilk did not earn their stars and stripes to have the geek, goth, emo, and/weirdo labels branded to them.

Like I already said, I was always labeled as being weird, and have been wearing glasses, since I was 5 years old. Why? Because I have TERRIBLE VISION, not because I want to look "cool" or "smart."

Decades ago, people were bullied and ostracized for wearing glasses. Now, wearing glasses is fashionable because hipsters today think glasses will make them look "cooler" and "smarter." They either have intelligence, or they don't. It's that simple. Well, enough of my ranting. Now, it's time to listen to Foamy The Squirrel's rants.

Foamy The Squirrel: Geek Culture Rant (2013)


Let me know what you think!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Song Saturday: [x]-Rx's Electric Man

How's it going lurkers? I hope everybody enjoyed their Christmas or whatever holiday you choose to celebrate, if any. Despite my rib cage hurting out of nowhere because of my car accidents from August, my Christmas was pretty decent.

Meanwhile, I have been trying to decide what to share for Song Saturday. This week, I chose the German Industrial duo, [x]-Rx and their song "Electric Man."

The song is nearly 4 years old. However, I discovered it over a year or 2 ago on an Industrial compilation. The moment I heard the opening, I automatically began laughing because it has Family Guy's Peter and Meg Griffin from a scene on [x]-Rx's song, "Electric Man."

Family Guy: Peter Griffins' "I Am Electric Man!" (2007)

Hopefully, the duo was granted Seth MacFarlane's permission to use "Electric Man" in their song. If [x]-Rx didn't, they could possibly be looking at a future lawsuit. I'm not accusing the group, I'm only hypothetically speaking. Anyway, here is [x]-Rx with their song, "Electric Man"

[x]-Rx "Electric Man" Update 3.0 (2010)

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Anna H's Christmas Anime Blog Special: Lucky Star

How's it going lurkers? I hope you're all safe, warm, and finished with all your Christmas shopping. 

Originally, I planned to share American Dad's "The Story Of Minstrel Krampus". "Minstrel Krampus," which aired on TV ~2 weeks ago, explained some of the history behind Krampus in satirical form. 

Apparently, FOX deleted the episode from YouTube and only kept the clips. Then, I YouTubed episode 37 from the Shonen Jump Comedy Anime, Gintama. From Season 1 of Gintama, there was a Christmas episode titled, "People Who Say That Santa Doesn't Really Exist Actually Want To Believe In Him." This particular Christmas episode was ALSO removed.

Speaking of Santa Claus, I find it incredibly irksome hearing people say, "There's no such thing as Santa Claus." If more people actually cared to conduct their own research, they would've learned that Santa Claus WAS a real person, centuries ago. 

The same applies to Krampus. Krampus was Santa Claus/Saint Nicholas' evil sidekick, who gave children lumps of coal for misbehaving. Sometimes Krampus threw them in his red sack, whisked them away to hell, and ate them.

Rather than taking on the role of Ebenezer Scrooge by ruining Christmas for EVERYBODY (mainly for children), adults should really tell children, that Santa Claus was a real person centuries ago. We as adults SHOULD carry on Santa Claus' jolly tradition for CHILDREN. 

Also, adults (you know who they are) need to STOP being so damn miserable and NOT project that same misery onto everyone around them, including children.

I always felt it was so mean-spirited and ignorant for people to say, "There's no such thing as Santa Claus" and to taunt children for believing in him. They must be some of the same skeptics, who don't believe in ghosts, or that we actually landed on the moon.

Well, since it is Christmas Eve and because I had no such luck in sharing American Dad or Gintama, I decided to share Lucky Star's 11th episode, "Various Ways To Spend Christmas Eve." 

Lucky Star is a Shonen Slice of Life Comedy Anime and is mostly considered a "Slice Of Life" Anime because of its comedic depiction of daily life in Japan. Imagine Seinfeld in the form of a Japanese cartoon about high school girls.

Lucky Star includes the holiday seasons surrounding the characters Konata Izumi, Miyuki Takara, and the fraternal twins, Kagami and Tsukasa Hiiragi. In Japan, it seems as if their Christmas Day celebrations are similar to Americans celebrating Valentine's Day. I say this because the Native Japanese seem to emphasize their need to have dates on Christmas.

I am NOT saying that people in other countries do not do this for Christmas. However, it seems as if having a date is a requirement in today's Japanese culture for the holiday.

Luckily in Lucky Star, there is not a huge emphasis on having a date for Christmas. Although, they do bring up the topic frequently. 

Anyway, I will let you sit back and watch Lucky Star's episode 11, "Various Ways To Spend Christmas Eve."

Lucky Star: Episode 11 "Various Ways To Spend Christmas Eve" (2006)

Here's a Gintama bonus clip for laughs.



Saturday, December 21, 2013

Song Saturday: London After Midnight's The Christmas Song


How's it going lurkers? I swear, this month has been crazy for me. I am sure it has been just as crazy for many others as well. Now that it's December, there are several holidays throughout this month.

Hanukkah ended for Jewish people on December 5th. Then, December 6th was Saint Nicholas Day. 

Happy Belated Hanukkah and Saint Nicholas Day to those of you, who celebrate both holidays!

Today is Winter Solstice also known as Yule for the Pagans. Happy Yule or Winter Solstice for Pagans!

In 4 more days, it will be Christmas for the rest of us, who celebrate it. If I don't publish more blogs before Christmas, Merry Christmas to everyone else! 

Speaking of Christmas, I thought I would continue to maintain the "Christmas Spirit" by sharing another Song Saturday. 

Right now, Blogsterians are publishing their own Song Saturday blogs. I was going to share London After Midnight's "The Christmas Song" over there, but it seems pointless.

As opposed to the Baby Boomers on Blogster, younger adults from Generations X and Y will at least acknowledge AND appreciate my content. I am currently active on several different social networking and blogging sites with younger adults.

Yesterday, I joined another social networking site called Horror-Punks.com. Horror-Punks.com seems like a Horror/Goth version of MySpace. I feel that I can assimilate better on Writer's Cafe and Horror-Punks than on Blogster.

Blogster has too many divisive Baby Boomers fighting over politics and religion. They fail to grasp that everyone doesn't share their views, care to be chastised, and don't care for their self-righteousness.

Anyway, here is London After Midnight's "The Christmas Song" for today's Song Saturday.

London After Midnight "The Christmas Song" Oddities (1998)



Sunday, December 15, 2013

Cartoon Sunday: The Boondocks

This blog was the debut of my Cartoon Sunday blogs on Blogster December 15, 2013.

How's it going lurkers? Normally on Blogster, there is Song Saturday and Art Sunday. Since animation is a part of art, I have decided to launch my own Cartoon Sunday blogs. 

Today, I chose to share a Christmas episode of the Adult Swim cartoon, The Boondocks. 

In case you have never heard of The Boondocks, it is an Animated Sitcom created by Aaron McGruder, which is based on his black comic strip, The Boondocks. 

This cartoon is filled with political satire and focuses on a variety of cultures, lifestyles, and racial and social classes, stereotypes, and perspectives within the Black Community. When you really think about it, The Boondocks is not only political, but also sociological. 

In addition, this Animated Sitcom has action, controversy, drama, and dark humor. Next month, it will be returning to Adult Swim with its 4th season. 

Because we are going into our last week before Christmas, I thought I would share the episode, "A Huey Freeman Christmas."

This is the 7th episode from its original season. Be prepared to be shocked and fall out your seats from laughter.

The Boondocks Season 1: Episode 7 "A Huey Freeman Christmas" (2005)

Let me know what you think!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Song Saturday: Morgan Ames' Santa's Watching

How's it going lurkers? Can you believe that we only have 1 more week, until Christmas? 

I have been snow shoveling, taking it easy, and brainstorming more ideas for my story, All Of Chastity's Men. 

Eventually, I will return to writing it. I have been somewhat naughty by procrastinating about writing more to my story. I have also been procrastinating about watching some Christmas Slasher films.

I am amazed that all the cable/satellite channels have been airing Christmas Chick flicks and regular Horror YET  they refuse to air any Christmas Slashers. I'm willing to bet the networks refuse to air any Christmas Slashers because they fear another backlash, that happened in 1984.

In case you did not already know, 1984 was a very controversial year in entertainment. I was only 2 years old in 1984, when "Parental Advisory" stickers were to be branded onto EXPLICIT albums and the PG-13 rating was launched.

The Christmas Slasher, Silent Night, Deadly Night, was released in movie theaters, that same year. Silent Night, Deadly Night's filmmaker received huge backlash.

Supposedly, a few careless parents took their children to watch a Christmas Slasher. This happened in my old hometown, Milwaukee, WI.

Last year, I discussed said incident with family. My mother claimed she would change the channel, whenever the commercial aired. Otherwise, I would scream. I watched the original 1984 movie trailer on YouTube.

Being a Horror author and fan, the music score and commercial voiceover automatically send chills down my spine. Then again, Horror movie trailers especially those for Slashers USED to actually be frightening, unlike TODAY'S trailers. 

Parents couldn't help noticing nearly 30 years ago, that a man dressed as Santa Claus was carrying an AXE and KILLING PEOPLE.

When I went onto Wikipedia last year, I discovered there is ACTUALLY  a Christmas Slasher Genre. There are Christmas Slashers predating back to 1972. That was 10 years before I was born. During the early 1970's, my family lived overseas (I was born into a family of military brats).

Christmas Slashers before 1984 received no backlash whatsoever. Because some parents in Milwaukee were SO careless and unobservant of the Silent Night, Deadly Night trailer, they took their children to watch a SERIAL KILLER dressed as Santa Claus only and traumatized them.

Siskel and Ebert, along with those careless parents berated the filmmaker for their own irresponsibilities. Talk about ridiculousness.

This makes some of us adults wonder how many parents took their children to watch last year's Silent Night remake, which was released in select movies theaters.

Last year, I watched the 2012 trailer for the movie. Even though the Santa Claus mask is frightening, I highly doubt the Silent Night remake is better than the original.

Most Horror reboots and remakes typically suck. Hopefully, I will have a chance to watch some of the other Christmas Slashers.

Because I am very curious to know how disturbing they are compared to their trailers, I want to watch those Christmas Slashers.

Since the Silent Night, Deadly Night movie from 1984 was heavily discussed in today's Song Saturday blog, I thought I would share its supposed theme song by Morgan Ames. 

Morgan Ames "Santa's Watching" Silent Night, Deadly Night Soundtrack (1984)


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Naruto Shippuden Will FINALLY Be Aired On Adult Swim

How's it going lurkers? On Wednesday night, a cyber friend of mine sent me a link to Toonami's Tumblr page. According to Adult Swim's Toonami, the block will FINALLY premiere Naruto Shippuden, literally 5 years later. 
Well, it's about damn time! Honestly, Cartoon Network should've premiered every Naruto episode before canceling the Anime and the Toonami block. It only had a few more episodes to air, before Naruto's 2-year time skip.

Cartoon Network didn't want to buy the rights to Naruto Shippuden YET  Disney XD bought the series, which was dumb. Naruto Shippuden never belonged on Disney XD.

Considering that Naruto was already violent, what made those in charge of Disney think Naruto Shippuden would be any LESS violent?

In Shippuden, the characters are teenagers, the arcs have more violence and death, along with more mature writing than the original series. Disney XD censored Naruto Shippuden more than Cartoon Network censored Naruto. 

To make matters worse, Disney XD put Shippuden on hiatus for the last 3 years. It would've been more logical for Adult Swim to have bought Naruto Shippuden years ago rather than Disney XD. 

Adult Swim would've premiered the series uncensored. Because Adult Swim's Toonami didn't buy Naruto Shippuden, when they network HAD the chance, American viewers were subjected to an extremely censored version of a more mature Naruto.

Furthermore, the viewers had to wait even longer for Adult Swim to acquire the rights to Naruto Shippuden. Well, I suppose it's better late than never. Right?

Even though Adult Swim's Toonami finally bought Naruto Shippuden, I'm only left with watching 1 hour of the network's so-called "Toonami" block. Currently, I'm only watching Bleach.

When Naruto Shippuden premieres next year on the block, I will watch it. The other Shounen Action Anime I can do without.

I recently said to somebody on FutureGohanSSJ2's Facebook page, that Adult Swim is limiting their viewership by only airing Shonen Action Anime. This particular genre is mostly about male teenage superheroes and anti-heroes.

Adult Swim needs to air more Seinen and Josei Anime for men and women. It's called "Adult Swim" for a reason yet Toonami only wants to pander to the male teenage demographic regarding Anime.

Japanese animation is so broad, that it has something for every age, genre, sub-genre, gender, sexual orientation, etc.

Why should Adult Swim limit their Anime viewers to only Shonen Action Anime?

The female demographic loves watching Anime. Not all of Toonami's male viewers like the currently premiering shows. 

It seems like Adult Swim's Toonami is purposely trying to alienate most their viewers, whether they are Anime fans or not.

Before Xanga 1.0 shut down, I published several blogs on Xanga about Cartoon Network and Adult Swim's sexism, along with their terrible acquisitions, over the last 5 years. 

Not only did I discuss their failbag programming on Xanga, but also made my ideal programming schedule for Adult Swim on Saturday nights. I still feel the network should remove the "Toonami" label and call it "Anime Night" on Saturdays.

If Saturday night became Anime Night, Anime would NOT  be limited to only Shonen Action Anime. Toonami could premiere Shonen, Shojo, Seinen, and Josei Anime, that are Comedy, Action, Romance, and Horror genres.

Here is the previous schedule I created earlier this spring for Adult Swim's Saturday night schedule. In addition, I shared some of their Anime trailers:

10:00 PM Special A

10:30 PM Naruto Shippuden

11:00 PM Bleach

11:30 PM School Rumble

School Rumble Clip (2004)


12:00 AM Kaicho Wa Maid-Sama Trailer (2010)

12:30 AM Vampire Knight Trailer (2008)

1:00 AM Jigoku Shojo (Hell Girl) Trailer (2005)

1:30 AM Hellsing Trailer (2001)


2:00 AM Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) Trailer (2008)

2:30 AM Beelzebub

3:00 AM Repeat schedule from 10 pm

Any thoughts? Let me know in the comments below!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Guess Who Has Done Sleep Writing?

How's it going lurkers? This week, I have been really busy. That's why I haven't had the time and energy to publish more blogs on here. So, have you ever written in your sleep like yours truly?

Some of you might view it as bizarre, and some might consider it to be an unusual talent of some sort. A few weeks ago, I was sleep writing. 

It was not until becoming a teenager, that I started sleep writing. I remember those days of being in classes and at home taking notes, while sleeping.

Sometimes people would have to wake me up because I dosed off, in the middle of taking notes. The funny part about me sleep writing in high school and college was that I could hear some of what was being said, during class lectures and discussions.

Because some of my teachers and professors did not want students sleeping during class lectures, they purposely stood where I sat, as a form of NEGATIVE attention. Basically, they tried singling me out for sleeping, during class lectures.

Even though I was slightly awake, my teachers and professors had no idea that some of what they said during classroom lectures I DID retain. Sometimes I wake up and see my handwriting turned into a doctor's chicken scratch.

Lately, I haven't done any sleep writing, while hand writing my own stories.

Eventually, I will return to hand writing a short story, that I was in the middle of writing, earlier this year. I've just been so busy helping my uncle with his own company and other activities, that more time has not been devoted to continue writing my next short story.

Last year, I hand wrote 3-4 short stories, that I want added to my collection of short stories. If I can ever set aside enough money, I would like to have my short stories revised, expanded, rebound, and self-published. 

I must return to hand writing my short story from earlier this year and keep my fingers crossed for getting self-published in the near future.

With all that has been said, what are your thoughts about sleep writing? Let me know what you think!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Christopher Walken Narrates Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven

How's it going lurkers? In order to get viewers into the Halloween spirit, I have decided to share a video. Nearly 2 years ago, I stumbled upon Hollywood actors, who narrated Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven." Those who really know me already know, that I am a Poe fan. 

Years ago, Vincent Price narrated "The Raven," which was in addition to acting in 7 movie adaptations of Edgar Allan Poe's literary works. 

However, I am sharing Christopher Walken's narration instead. Anyway, here is Walken narrating Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven."

Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" Narrated By Christopher Walken


Friday, October 18, 2013

WTH?! Can Love Burn More Than A Urinary Tract Infection?


Yesterday afternoon, there was a hilarious segment on The Doctor Oz Show, that I watched about Urinary Tract Infections. I believe Dr. Oz said somebody had sent in a sign to him, which read, "My love burns 4 U more than a Urinary Tract Infection." It was something along those lines, when Dr. Oz held it up. Once I told my mother and grandmother about that crazy sign on his show, they laughed their asses off.

My grandmother even did a spit-take of her coffee from laughing. I didn't know that love could burn more than a UTI. I mean, damn!

I know what it's like for love to burn and ache, but NOT  like a UTI. Jeez! That sounds like a really torturous love (if you ask me), especially when being likened to a Urinary Tract Infection.

That viewer's sign made me imagine a crazy dialogue for a movie, book, or a potential Comedy. Love burning more than a UTI sounds not only crazy and torturous, but also hilarious. 

I didn't have a chance to listen to the entire segment because I was too busy laughing hysterically. Surprisingly, I didn't cry tears and burn calories from all the laughing I did yesterday. Hmmm... I better write that line down for a comedic dialogue.

Speaking of love burning, I began thinking about Black Rebel Motorcycle Club's (B.R.M.C.) old song, "Love Burns." 

When I originally heard BRMC's song, "Love Burns," during the 2nd semester of my college freshman year, it was just before leaving MATC for UW-Parkside and Carthage Collge.

That was 6 months before I became a College Radio DJ/Hostess. Wow! Time sure did fly. Anyway, here's some B.R.M.C. with "Love Burns" minus the Urinary Tract Infection.

B.R.M.C. "Love Burns" (2002)


Sunday, October 6, 2013

What Are My Thoughts About KoRn's The Family Values LIVE On AXS TV?

This blog was originally published on Blogster October 6, 2013.

Hey Blogsterians! ~ 2 hours ago, I finished watching KoRn's The Family Values Live on AXS TV. For the most part, most of the bands, that performed sucked ass. Beware Of Darkness, Machine Gun Kelly, and Hollywood Undead suck.

Asking Alexandria was the best band, that performed before KoRn. Honestly, they should've performed as a great lead in for KoRn rather than Hollywood Undead. KoRn performed last. I guess this really fed into the whole "saving the best for last" adage. 

Regardless, I sat through mostly shitty performances. 

I am glad I wasn't in Denver to see that concert because I would've demanded my money back. In a nutshell, Asking Alexandria and KoRn's performances were the best. Everybody else sucked.

I don't know why KoRn had such bad acquisitions for their concert tour. They could've picked better than what they did. KoRn's Family Values Tours always had a variety of Rap and Rock groups on their tours, but at least they were normally good.

Most of the performers were terrible from what I saw earlier. I didn't get a chance to watch the entirety of KoRn's performance because it ran against Bleach on Adult Swim. However, I watched most of their performance. KoRn was the main reason why I watched AXS TV over 2 hours ago.

Since the band is celebrating their 20th anniversary, it would've been more appropriate to have the entire band reunite rather than 4/5 of them.

HardDrive Radio's blogger/interviewer, Roxy, ranted about David Silveria recently on the show's Dirt page. She ranted that David did NOT need to return to the band because he supposedly didn't want to return.

I somewhat have a problem with what Roxy said about David Silveria. She's all for Brian "Head" Welch returning to KoRn but not David? That doesn't make any sense.

David, as well as "Head," were part of the original band. If anything, I would expect for Roxy to have a bigger problem with "Head" returning because he left KoRn, before David Silveria.

"Head" originally left KoRn for his quest to find Jesus, while blaming everyone else in KoRn for his drug abuse. I always thought, that was such bullshit. "Head" abused drugs before and after KoRn was formed. At the risk of sounding self-righteous, none of them should've been abusing drugs, anyway.

D.A.R.E. programs have been around for DECADES and KoRn already knew what happened to all their idols many years ago. They abused drugs out of defiance because they were already warned.

It would be an unrealistically high expectation of mine to think, that musicians do not abuse drugs. I am simply pointing out the facts. "Head" had no right to blame his band for his own drug abuse.

He had and still does have a mind of his own. If "Head" didn't want to be on drugs, he should've never started. Duh!

Like I was saying earlier, I have a problem with what Roxy from HardDrive Radio said about David Silveria. It's absolutely hypocritical for her to be rejoicing over "Head" returning to KoRn, while condemning David, who was ALSO an original KoRn band member to return. 

A real KoRn reunion would be having everyone back together rather than 4/5. I fail to understand Roxy's logic but whatever.

I think KoRn should've disbanded 10 years ago because their albums went from phenomenal to garbage. I have KoRn's first 4 albums dating back to 1994. I did not waste money on their other albums because they were garbage.

KoRn's Issues album was a disappointing Christmas present in 1999 but they temporarily redeemed themselves with their 2002 album, Untouchables.

I don't own Untouchables but, I listened to the album in its entirety when I was a DJ and played some of the songs from Untouchables on my radio show. 

Once KoRn released Take A Look In The Mirror, I was disappointed again like I was with Issues.

About a year or 2 ago, I listened to all of KoRn's other albums from 2003 and beyond on MySpace. Those last albums were not worth investing in.

I didn't get a chance to listen to KoRn's last album. I heard their song "Get Up," which was a Skrillex collaboration. OMG! That was terrible.

Almost everyone in The Music Industry is abusing that Dub Step shit like it's the new Auto Tune, which was why I didn't give KoRn's last album a chance.

I have heard at least 2 of KoRn's latest songs, which are "Love and Meth" and "Never Never." So far, they're not bad. I hope their new album is the best they have released, since 2002.

When I was 12-20 years old, I loved listening to KoRn. After turning 21, their music went down the shitter.

It's not that my musical preferences drastically changed because I still listen to a variety of music genres and sub-genres. Old School KoRn Kids like myself miss the way they were.

After KoRn became more mainstream, their music changed much like most Metal bands have over the last 1-3 decades.

That reminds me, Roxy keeps branding Old School KoRn Kids as "haters" on HardDrive Radio's daily blogs. I resent that. It's a major slap in the face to all of us veteran fans.

Roxy is an old ass, divisive, Baby Boomer who claims that KoRn is her "favorite band," YET she's acting like a butt-hurt sycophant because Veteran KoRn Kids like myself don't share her views. If she and the New Age KoRn Kids like KoRn's newer music, that's their right. 

At the same time, Roxy and the newbies have no right to label us as "haters" because we dislike what their music has become, and because David wants to reunite with everybody just like "Head" decided to do for their 20th anniversary. 

I think I have said all of what I needed. So, what are your thoughts about this whole pseudo KoRn reunion? 

KoRn "Never Never" The Paradigm Shift (2013)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Song Saturday: Lacuna Coil's Swamped

This blog was originally published on Blogster October 5, 2013.

How's it going my Blogsterian friends and subscribers? It's been a while. This Song Saturday, I'm sharing some Lacuna Coil.

If you do not know about Lacuna Coil, they are an Italian Goth Rock band from Milan, Italy. I began listening to this band a decade ago, when they were introduced to the American Rock Industry. 

The band debuted, during the late '90s. However, it was not until 2003, that Lacuna Coil became more mainstream. I have always found Cristina Scabbia to be interesting. 

When I look at some of the vocalist's clothes and other characteristics, it's like I'm staring at my own reflection in the mirror; I see parts of myself in Cristina Scabbia. Crazy, right?

She is older than me by 10 years and 8 days, and we have similar tastes in clothing. It must be a Gemini thing.

I think Cristina Scabbia is a bit like the idol I NEVER had growing up. Well, at least the idol, that I never had as a teenager throughout the mid to late '90s. There were not that many female celebrities or public figures, that resonated with me enough to idolize them, during my youth.

I couldn't help becoming an individualist because there weren't any female role models or idols, that resonated if not captivated me. 

Last year on Cristina Scabbia's official Facebook page, she uploaded a picture of this custom made Barbie doll. The doll was meant to resemble her for her 40th birthday.

Cristina Scabbia's Custom Made Doll

If memory serves me right, a friend/fan of Cristina's made it specifically as a birthday present. 

After Cristina uploaded the doll to her page, all of us Lacuna Coil fans wished her a happy 40th. I mentioned on Cristina's page, that I was turning 30, literally 8 days after her 40th birthday. 

Not only did I wish Cristina a happy 40th and mention our 10-year age gap, but I also complimented her custom made doll. Then, asked if I could use it as a profile picture. 

In a sense, Cristina Scabbia gave me her blessing to use it by clicking the "Like" button. 

I have not used Cristina's doll as a profile picture in a while on Blogster, Xanga, and Facebook. 

When I uploaded it on Facebook and Blogster, people felt the need to make snide remarks about her doll. Those dipshits assume I'm some delusional little girl, who believes that I am Barbie for some reason.

Not only do they assume, that I'm some delusional little girl, but I've also noticed over the last 20 years, that most of the hardcore feminazis begrudge Barbie. They honestly wear their severe body image issues, self-hatred, and inferiority complex like sleeves. 

I loved playing with my Barbie dolls growing up and did NOT  waste time psychoanalyzing her body either. I would only be jealous of a doll like Barbie because she is more successful than I am. Otherwise, I don't want to look like her. Besides, Barbie's not packing a real DD-cup like I am.

Anyway, here is the music video for Lacuna Coil's song, "Swamped" from their Comalies album, which helped make them mainstream.

Lacuna Coil "Swamped" Comalies (2002)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Who Remembers The Gremlins Audiobooks From Hardee's?

This blog was originally published October 1, 2013. 

How's it going Blogsterians? I hope everybody doing well. Since it's October, I chose to share a throwback from nearly 30 years ago

If you existed in 1984 (I was only 2 years old), you may remember that Christmas Horror Comedy, Gremlins.





Gremlins Movie Trailer (1984)

It was 1 of the most controversial movies during 1984. Actually, 1984 in general was quite a controversial year regarding entertainment.

Democrat, Tipper GORE had a spazz attack about her precious 12-year-old daughter's music. Karenna was listening to Prince's "Darling Nikki" from his Purple Rain album.

Tipper was SO triggered that it led to her becoming the founder of Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) and having her "Tipper Stickers" (a.k.a. "Parental Advisory" labels) plastered, if not engraved into explicit album covers.

Also, the PG-13 rating was launched in 1984. Gremlins was highly controversial years ago because it originally had a PG rating.

Those of us, who watched the movie, already know it was a really violent for children in '84. There were many complaints about 1 of the gremlins being killed in the microwave. I can't remember his name. However, I remember that scene nearly 30 years later.

Gremlins Microwave Scene (1984)

If I were Billy's mother, I would've killed that gremlin in the microwave, too! Watching that as a PG-rated Horror Comedy was and STILL is terrifying. Their big, fugly eyes still give me goosebumps just staring at them.

Not only was there controversy over the violence in this PG-rated movie, but there were also complaints about Gremlins being racist against black people.

This was because gremlins ate fried chicken, wore snapback hats, breakdanced, and listened to Jazz and Blues in the bar. 

Am I the only person laughing at such ridiculous claims? 

Some people in 1984 read a little TOO much into Gremlins. Even though Gremlins triggered lots of controversy, it was still very popular in 1984. 

The movie was so popular, that it had its own merchandise. YouTube vlogger, Andre (a.k.a. "Black Nerd") had a vlog in 2012 showing his display of Gremlins merchandise from both movies.

I am very disappointed to say, that vlog was deleted. I don't know why Andre's vlog was deleted from YouTube. Regardless, it sucks that his video is gone. I thought his vlog was awesome. Meanwhile...

I remember having a plastic Gizmo figure, when I was a toddler. As my mother pushed me around in store buggies, I played with him. 

Decades ago, Hardee's sold a series of 5 audio tapes/45 record audiobooks, which were adaptations of the Gremlins movie.

I ONLY  had Part 3 of the 5 record audiobooks. Talk about nostalgia and showing my age. Because I mentioned the audiobooks and since someone actually uploaded them to YouTube, I thought I would share their audiobooks with you all.

Audiobook 1: Gremlins "The Gift Of The Mogwai" (1984) 

Audiobook 2: Gremlins "Gizmo And The Gremlins" (1984)
Audiobook 3: Gremlins "Escape From The Gremlins" (1984)
Audiobook 4: Gremlins "Gremlins Trapped" (1984)
Audiobook 5: Gremlins "The Last Gremlin" (1984)

Saturday, July 6, 2013

What's That? There's Really A Doll For Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho!

How's it going lurkers? I hope you all enjoyed your Independence Day. I mostly slept in, ate, watched TV, checked my e-mail messages, etc.

Last Thursday night, I watched Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. I'm not a huge Hitchcock fan. However, I DO sometimes watch The Alfred Hitchcock Hour and Psycho on the Encore Suspense Channel. 

Whenever I watch The Alfred Hitchcock Hour and Psycho, it is for my personal amusement. Simply watching the contrived acting makes me laugh. 

In fact, every time I watch that epic scene of Norman Bates' dead mother in Psycho, I can't help laughing hysterically.

Psycho: Mrs. Bates' "Corpse" Is Revealed (1960) 

It's a plastic molded skeleton, which is supposed to resemble Norman Bates' mother! When I originally saw this scene, I laughed so hard that I cried hysterically.

While I am on the topic of Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho, did you already know that Psycho had a Madame Alexander Doll? I did not find out, until last year on YouTube. 

Toy collector, Mike Mozart, gives YouTube reviews about retro dolls and action figures. He also gave reviews about the PeeWee Herman and Beetlejuice dolls, which I have owned since the '80s. 

Anyway, here is Mike Mozart's review about Madame Alexander's Psycho Doll.

Mike Mozart's Review About Madame Alexander's Psycho Doll (2011)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Song Saturday: Sponge's Plowed

How's it going my Blogsterians and Xangans Now Turned Blogsterians?! I've been told about this Song Saturday, which seems to be tradition on Blogster. So, I decided to give it a try. 

Let me just say right off the bat, that I watch AXS TV on a weekly basis. It's a satellite channel, which mostly airs movies, concert performances, and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA's.)

Last Wednesday, I watched live performances of Sponge, Filter, and Live on AXS TV. Everclear also performed but I didn't stick around to watch them. I could never get into Everclear. 

Watching said performances sure did bring back some '90s nostalgia. I may have been miserable as a teenager, during the '90s, but at least there was SOME good entertainment (including music) to keep me company. 

Most of today's music and entertainment is a heaping pile of shit. Anyway, check out this classic music video by the band, Sponge.

Sponge "Plowed" Rotting Piñata (1994)

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